Living a Dependent Life


I struggle to not be in control. I like order, routine, and degrees of predictability.

Boring, huh?

And I get anxious when things are out of order. Worse still, I get anxious thinking about the possibility of things getting out of order.

Sad, huh!

Those of you with children may appreciate that, as I have two of my own, I spend a decent amount of time anxious.

And I’m tired of it.

As are my wife and two boys, who are now young men.

I read this quote recently from “Jesus Calling”:

“In the world, dependence is seen as immaturity. But in My kingdom, dependence on Me is a prime measure of maturity”1

As is so common with matters of God, He turns what the world accepts as reasonable, upside down.

From an early age, I learnt independence. I got myself around by walking and catching public transport, and entertained myself in my own worlds of sports and stories. I’ve found it interesting my two boys are very dependent on others for entertainment and activity. Now that isn’t a bad thing at all. Extroverts typically dislike spending time alone, whilst an introvert like myself can’t get enough of it.

As I’ve pondered on this post for a few days it’s been amazing how many things I’ve read that refer to dependence being a sign of maturity. In Matthew 18:1-4 as Jesus is talking to the disciples He makes this statement:

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Hmmm, become like children? What attribute of childhood could Jesus be referring to?


Children (especially when very little) need their mums and dads for everything. All the time, and everyday.

I’ve been reading a lot in recent months about Jesus’ walk. And one thing that is now very clear to me is how dependent He was on the Father and Holy Spirit. For the documented last three years of His incredible life, He did or said nothing without their leading.

“The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work.”(John 14:10)

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, Jesus didn’t just come to save us but also to be the example by which we should live.

A lifestyle based on being dependent on the Father.

“Everything” Launch Team

I’ve been a member of the 100-strong Launch team for Mary DeMuth’s latest book, “Everything”, that was released two weeks ago. It’s been fascinating seeing the impact this book has had on so many of us. Besides being fun, inspiring the creation of new content (blog posts, photos/postcards pinned on Pinterest, like the one below Heidi K created) it’s been obvious Jesus has used Mary’s story to transform many of our own walks with Him. I loved how Amy Y, a reviewer on Amazon summed it up:

“Mary gently walks into each room of our lives and shows what Jesus can mean if we let him.”

A child needs to commune with its parents all the time for security, guidance, comfort, hope, affirmation and love. “Everything” helps reinforce via Mary sharing her journey, that like a child, we too need that daily dependence on our Creator.

Irrespective of age or circumstances, it’s not just okay to be dependent, it’s essential, if we are to fully realize the life Jesus has for us.

With its timeless message and practical heartfelt instruction, “Everything”, can help us all to keep pressing into Jesus.

Some of my most anxious moments with the boys are at night, as I’m sure some of you would understand. But now I find as I hop into bed I hand the anxiety over to Jesus. Sometimes, well often, I need to do this repeatedly.

My reward? A great night sleep.

If you have a moment I’d love to hear others stories of victories, big or small, over anxiety.

May you experience the supernatural peace that only He can provide this weekend and on.

Notes: 1. “Jesus Calling” Sarah Young, Thomas Nelson 2004, p183.

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