My chat with Jim Rubart plus a special giveaway

James headshot 8 '13 for IanI first stumbled across Jim Rubart’s speculative fiction three years ago when I read Rooms. Jim’s clever use of supernatural allegories woven through fast-paced suspense grabbed my attention.

I soon devoured Book of Days and last year The Chair.

Jim’s novels have become a must read for me. He challenges me to reflect on my walk with Christ as he weaves a story of faith throughout page-turning suspense. Further, I love how Jim describes the ‘everyman’ experience. He has a beautiful gift of being able to share what’s going on in a man’s heart and mind.

Jim released the second in the “Well Spring” series of novels last week: Memory’s Door. I’m currently reading Soul’s Gate, the first in the series, and am struggling to put it down. Great when a story has that effect.

Enough of that, let me hand over to Jim. He was kind enough in his busy launch schedule to answer a few questions I posed him. So without further ado, it’s my absolute pleasure to welcome Jim Rubart:

Jim, you’ve come from the Corporate world. Tell us a bit about juggling that and your writing. Are both still full time pursuits in that you pick both up most days?

I took a course in plate spinning and that’s helped keep too many from crashing to the floor. Seriously, for me it’s matter of setting priorities. Some days I have to focus on my marketing business, some days it’s all about writing. Working for myself fortunately allows me the flexibility to do that. As far as the division of labor goes, about 30% of my time is working with my corporate clients and authors, and 70% is devoted to my writing (and everything that goes along with that).

How has your corporate gig helped your writing and vice versa?

Working in marketing has been a huge assist in my writing. I’ve been writing website copy, radio and TV spots, sales brochures, etc. since ’94. That honed my writing like nothing else could, so when I started writing novels, I had a strong sense of the craft right from the start. Conversely, getting involved in publishing has benefited my marketing business in that a lot of authors have come to me for help with their branding and website copy.

You have this key theme in your life about living with freedom. Tell us how this came about and how it influences your stories.

A friend once told me, “Every pastor has been given one main sermon and they keep doing it over and over again in different ways.” I resonate with that. I think each of us has a theme or sermon to our life. A theme that drives and inspires us. I feel the theme of my life is seeing people set free. From their fears, their wounds, their past. I love to see people throw off their chains and step into the destiny God has designed them for. So that’s the overarching theme I weave into all my novels.

Now to the current “Well Spring” series. What are you hoping readers will take away from it?

memorys-door-james-l-rubart-134x210Freedom. Big surprise, right? But specifically in this novel I deal with the crippling trap of regret. Regret devastates us. Keeps us from living in the now because we’re looking backwards. I want people come away from Memory’s Door with freedom from their deepest regrets. The other major theme involves what I think is the greatest enemy of the church … yeah, I’m going have you read the novel to find out what that is.



For those who haven’t read the first in the series Soul’s Gate, perhaps tell us a little about it and then how Memory’s Door expands some of the themes. 

Soul_Gate_Final_w.inddSoul’s Gate is the story of four ordinary people who learn to live extraordinary lives—they learn to step into the supernatural things of God in a way the men and women of the Old and New Testament did, but that very few Christians do today. More specifically, a prophecy was spoken about these four warriors decades ago, and it has now come true. They have been trained to set many people free, and have done so, but now (in Memory’s Door) they will have to face their greatest battle, against the Wolf who has risen and will not stop till their bodies and souls are utterly destroyed.

And the series wraps up with the 3rd installment called? And when can we expect to see it available?

The third novel in the series is called The Spirit Bridge and I’m so pumped about it! I think it’s most epic of the three and a fitting conclusion to the story. It releases spring of next year. (2014.)

Last one Jim, how has writing fiction impacted your relationship with Christ?

I’ve often said that in a way my novels are my journals in published form. In other words, I work out the spiritual issues in my own life through my writing. So many of the victories my characters have, I have as well. That’s a long way of saying writing fiction has allowed me to venture into my own fears, chains, and wounds, and have Jesus bring me deep healing.

Thanks Jim and wishing you every success with Memory’s Door.

Giveaway Time

We’re very keen that one lucky reader is able to get their hands on BOTH Soul’s Gate and Memory’s Door. So just leave a comment below and I’ll let the lucky winner know by email next Tuesday 20 August.

A little about Jim

James L. Rubart is the best-selling and Christy award winning author of, ROOMS, BOOK OF DAYS, THE CHAIR, SOUL’S GATE, and MEMORY’S DOOR. During the day he runs Barefoot Marketing which helps businesses and authors make more coin of the realm. In his free time he dirt bikes, hikes, golfs, takes photos, and occasionally does sleight of hand. No, he doesn’t sleep much. He lives with his amazing wife and teenage sons in the Pacific Northwest and still thinks he’s young enough to water ski like a madman. More at

And here’s where you can find Jim on the web:


Twitter: @jameslrubart


8 replies
  1. Paula Vince
    Paula Vince says:

    Hi Ian and Jim,
    Thanks for the interview. I have only read “Rooms” so far, and that was just a couple of weeks ago. I thought it fascinating and couldn’t put it down. I’m looking forward to reading your other novels. Funnily enough, I also read your story in “God’s Provision for Tough Times” at about the same time and appreciated that too.
    Paula Vince

  2. Doug Hibbard
    Doug Hibbard says:

    I’d like to be entered—these sound fascinating.

    And I’m loving the thought that pastors essentially have one major sermon and do variations on the theme over and over. I’m going to take a listen back across the last few years and see what mine is.

    • James L. Rubart
      James L. Rubart says:

      It will be interesting to see what you find, Doug.

      One of the questions I ask people when I’m helping them find the theme of their life is what their three favorite movies are.

      When I hear them, I can often point to a common theme that runs through all of them … which is usually the theme of their life.

  3. Grant Gagnon
    Grant Gagnon says:

    Enjoyed “Rooms” very much and have started to read “The Chair”. James Rupart has become one of my new favourite fiction writers, right up there with Tim Downs and James Scott Bell. Kind of neat that my wife (Cherie Gagnon) has meet all of them. Wonder which author she will introduce to me this year after she attends ACFW conference.
    Thanks for your chat with Jim and enjoy reading your site. Take care my Australian friend.


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