My Best Books of 2012
One aspect of the end of year wrap-ups I love is reading all the “Best of…” lists. So I reviewed the 75 books I’ve read in the past 12 months to determine my own Best Books of 2012.
In fact, I’ve got two lists: A Top 5 Fiction and a Top 10 Non-fiction.
Let’s start with the novels.
Top 5 Fiction
I was a little disappointed in myself this year that I didn’t read from a more diverse range of novels. So many of my favourite authors released new material that I tended to stick to a lot of tried and true authors, both in the Christian and secular markets.
As I spent a decent part of the year editing Angelguard, I also adhered to one of the common recommendations for budding authors: read in your genre. So lots of supernatural suspense type books made up my reading list.
I want to change that in 2013 by reading more widely. In particular, I’d like to read more of the classics.