“Portrait of a Spy”, Daniel Silva

Photo credit: Harper Collins

I love the Gabriel Allon series.

And this one sure doesn’t disappoint. As other reviewers have stated, Daniel Silva has used the same formula with the other books in the series. This is now my third so I’m not tired of it.

I thoroughly enjoy Gabriel’s character, however, wish we’d see some development in Chiara, his wife. She’s obviously very smart but we seem to see her mostly presented as the gorgeous, young wife who is also an extraordinary cook.

Nadia who plays a critical role in this book is a strong character. Rich due to inheritance and desiring to make a difference in the Saudi world as a woman who cares, she is both captivating and very believable.
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“A Thousand Sleepless Nights”, Michael King

Photo Credit: www.christianbook.com

A beautiful story of forgiveness and reconciliation

This novel was a delightful surprise. Mike demonstrated he can move beyond the suspenseful thriller to crafting a heart-warming contemporary story.

Mike took me on an emotional roller coaster. I could identify with each of the key characters, feeling their pain and heart ache as well as their jubilation and desire to overcome. Jim, as a young man, fighting to save the woman, Nena, he fell in love with on first sight, from marrying the wrong guy. To Nena, as an older woman, who lives with such regret from neglecting her children as they grew up, due to her desire to fulfil a promise she made to her dying father.

The workaholic son, Ken, who cannot see beyond his pursuit of partnership in his law firm, even being prepared to sacrifice his family. To Roberta, the youngest, as she grapples with wanting to be cherished by her boyfriend who cannot meet that need. And Barb, struggling with her own cancer battle, whilst trying to keep a normal family life for her husband and children.
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“The Soul Saver”, Dineen Miller

Photo Credit: www.dineenmiller.com

There’s so much to love about this novel.

I found Dineen’s debut novel really hard to put down. It moved along at great pace plus a series of well managed conflicts (yes, there a few) made me want to get to the next page quickly.

The main storyline is powerful and compelling. And then Dineen overlays a spiritual battle to intensify the drama. It’s this spiritual side that particularly grabbed me. Starting with Lexie’s spiritual gift (you’ll have to read the novel to find out what it is) which I discovered is Biblical, I was fascinated how Dineen seamlessly wove the spiritual in and out of the ‘natural’.
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“Beautiful Outlaw”, John Eldredge

Photo Credit: www.ransomedheart.com

“We need Jesus like we need oxygen. He is the missing essence of your existence.”

This wonderfully written book opened my eyes and heart to Jesus. I sensed a real anointing over this book and hope that many people read it as its quite unique (based on my reading experience) of relating Jesus humanity to His divinity.

We can spend a lot of time “being” a Christian, rather than experiencing Jesus. We can so easily forget that Jesus comes to give us life abundantly through intimacy with Him.
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“The Glory Within”, Corey Russell

Photo Credit: coreyrussell.org

This book has enhanced my prayer life.

It is excellent providing a tremendous Biblically-based view of the gifts of the Holy Spirit including the power of speaking in tongues.

Speaking in tongues is often a controversial topic for many Christians. This book removes that controversy and explores the scriptures to provide a solid basis for its importance in the life of a Christian. Paul is a central figure in the book based on the fact he said “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.” (1 Cor 14:18) and we see how it transformed his life and ministry.

I love the idea that speaking in tongues is like a “secure-line” between us and the Father. Satan and his cronies can’t interpret it. Hence, why it can be so powerful in overcoming persistent sin. Speaking in tongues, like the sword of the spirit is an offensive weapon we can use to strike at our weaknesses and temptations.
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“Walking as Jesus Walked”, Dann Spader

Photo Credit: Moody Publishers

This is an excellent resource for practically understanding Jesus desire for us to walk as He did.

The study contains tremendous Biblical references and is backed with great insight and interpretation. Spader understands how people learn and providing an acronym Holy Spirit to guide the study was a masterstroke. I know that I will remember the acronym and be able to use it on a daily basis. FYI, the acronym is:
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“Quiet”, Susan Cain

Quiet by Susan Cain

I’m an introvert so found this book fascinating reading for two key reasons:

1. It helped me better understand why I am the way I am. Further, Susan Cain also provides analysis of extroverts as well to provide a balanced approach. I loved the fact Susan didn’t just rely on her own study of individuals rather used many other studies from various perspectives to support her findings. This included studies of the brain, which I particularly enjoyed.

2. It’s practical so I was able to immediately use some of the findings as I met with people and also in relating to my immediate family.
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“Everything”, Mary deMuth

Everything, Mary deMuth

I’ve been grappling with writing this review for a few days now. I’ve been fortunate to be part of Mary’s “Launch Team” for the book and so received an advance copy of the PDF. I’ve been blessed by participating in a closed group on FB with the other 100 or so members of that team.

I so wanted to be praising this book from the rooftops. All the other reviews (at present) are overwhelmingly positive which is fantastic. I worry that I’ve missed something significant.
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“Frantic”, Mike Dellosso

Fast and furious with powerful message!

There are many great elements to this thriller from Mike Dellosso.

1. It’s starts with a bang and never lets up.

2. Marny, the central character is easy to cheer on and you want him to escape his past and save the girl. Esther and William, the two who Marny elects to help, are two excellent characters as well.
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“Not a Fan”, Kyle Idleman

Been a fan too long, but no longer!

This book is powerful, challenging believers to follow in the footsteps of the disciples – be willing to give everything, and that means, everything, up in order to bear the fruits of a sold-out life to Jesus.

I’ve been a fan of Jesus for most of my life but graciously, God pulled me aside a couple of years and said, that’s not enough! He wanted more; He wanted all of me, not just bits of me Read more