“Wonderstruck”, Margaret Feinberg

“God extends endless invitations to encounter Him, yet too often we sleep straight through.”

Well that sure grabbed my attention. God’s wonder surrounds us all day everyday. Wonderstruck is a manual for helping us find that wonder. And in Margaret, we have a mighty fine guide who’s passionate about enabling and teaching us in how to experience God more.

With sound Biblical instruction, some delightful stories that take across the globe via the Scottish highlands, Alaska, and the Colorado mountains, we get to see first hand how God’s wonder is all around us.

Whether it’s in nature, developing new friends, diving deep in prayer or observing the Sabbath, Margaret talks us through her own experience of learning to appreciate all God has already blessed us with. And how much more He has to share, if only we’d open our heart and eyes to receive it.

The book also comes with a Thirty-Day “activity guide” for reflecting on the ideas Margaret addresses to help embed the healthy habit of living with our eyes and hearts wide open.

If you’d like to experience God more, then this easy to read book is a great starting place for your journey to begin.

A Word for the Year

Photo Credit: http://australia.blog.visa.com

A few weeks ago, Cherie, a Canadian friend of mine, happened to mention in a chat we were having on Facebook that she had identified her word for the next year.

A word for the year?

I vaguely recall other people had mentioned it. I stumbled across a post from one of my favourite bloggers, Ann Voskamp, who adheres to the practice.

I quizzed Cherie a little on its purpose for her, and her response got me thinking. She described it as a marker for defining the year or an attribute one may seek to develop.

I like the idea. I see it as a one-word goal almost. I’m not sure it would necessarily define my year, that is, I’d still set other goals. But I would hope it would have a gentle presence throughout my days.

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