A Kid’s eye view of the world

Take a moment to think about how you felt when you were last on a great adventure or holiday. When you saw something incredible for the first time. Maybe it was the Grand Canyon, the Eiffel Tower or your first time at Disneyland.

Or perhaps you can remember a time as a kid or when one of your kids saw something special for the first time?

Or maybe it was when you met your newborn baby for the first time.

Can you see it (or him or her)?

Can you recall how you felt at the time?

Hold that thought. Just for a moment.

I remember my first day at Magic Kingdom theme park in Orlando Florida. Fiona and I walked in the front gates just as the morning parade had commenced around “Cinderella Castle” that is a central point of the park.

We both stopped dead in our tracks and simply went “wow”. Fiona was crying tears of joy whilst I was overcome by the magical fantasy world we’d just entered.

Now back to you.

What’s one word you might use to describe your feelings? You probably have many, but what’s one. Write it down in the comments below.

I have one.


Unadulterated joy.

Does that fit with how you felt?

What led to that feeling of joy?

I was reminded of this as I read a chapter in this simply marvellous book that I can’t recommend enough and encourage everyone to get their hands on: “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp. I’ll post a review on the site shortly.

Ann was reflecting on her youngest child (five years old) taking photos around their house with Ann’s camera. When she showed mummy the photos, Ann got a different perspective on the everyday, simply because they were taken by a short person. A short person sees everything differently, not just because of their lack of experience, but simply because of their height!

Remember when you were a kid, every new experience was so often exciting, simply because it was new and thrilling. Most kids haven’t had their optimistic view of the world deflated yet so everything new thing is exciting.

And so often those experiences are … awesome.

I think that’s what fearing God is about. When we’re in awe, our hearts are open. We’re grateful, we’re thankful; we’re in a state of worship.

Just where our Father wants us to be.

“Awe … awe ignites joy … and we are in deepest happiness in the posture of grateful worship.”1

Try to catch the sunrise or sunset tomorrow or the waves crashing on the beach.

Let time stand still for a moment.

Listen to your heart.


Notes: 1. “One thousand Gifts.” Ann Voskamp Zondervan, First Ed 2010, p167


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