“Memory’s Door,” Jim Rubart

memorys-door-james-l-rubart-134x210This is the sequel to Soul’s Gate in the 3-book Well Spring series. It continues the adventure of the four: Dana, Marcus, Brandon and Reece (The Warriors Riding) as they prepare themselves to tackle the malevolent “Wolf” who personifies the spirit of religion. The four all confront their own darkness that in some way or another is holding them from living in complete freedom in their walks with Jesus. This is a key theme of the series: we allow our past regrets to hold us back even when we have Jesus in our lives. Jesus however has come to set us free from our past. However, we can’t just runaway from them. We need to confront our darkness with Jesus and let Him bring healing.

We spend a lot of time in the “spirit” and/or in people’s souls. I’m reminded of CS Lewis’s “space trilogy” novels (not Narnia) where he takes us in to another realm. There the Warriors battle demons whilst also meeting friendly spirits and angels on their journeys.

There were times I felt Rubart was delaying the ultimate conflict as I thought there were one or two elements that were laboured over, however, he continued to surprise me with some riveting action and suspense. And the battle near the end is simply breathtaking.

Rubart’s wonderful storytelling takes the reader into the minds and souls of his characters. He is a masterful communicator and at all times he had me visually present within the scenes. As with Soul’s Gate, Rubart uses Scripture powerfully to weave within the story. It’s not preachy but essential as the Word of God enlightens, empowers and equips the Warriors. But we also see how it can be misused to lead others astray.

I love how this series is making me stretch further into Jesus, opening my eyes to what is holding me back in enjoying complete freedom and showing me how I can use prayer, the Word and faith to unshackle me. The importance of comrades in battle is highlighted. We cannot run this race alone especially when it comes to tackling the spirit world.

I can’t wait for the final instalment.

A Deleted Scene …


Photo courtesy of franky242/FreeDigitalphotos.net

Some of you may recall that Angelguard went through many iterations having started out as a 707 page first draft. Today, I thought I’d share one of many scenes that were deleted.

For those of you who’ve read the novel you may remember the car chase scene in Chapter 23 when Zhou Chau, en route to meet Jack Haines in Fontainebleau, avoided the roadblock where the enemy waited for him. In the original version, Zhou didn’t avoid the roadblock and was taken captive.

Here it is.


Somewhere north of Paris, same day

Zhou knew he wouldn’t get another chance. He hoped they would continue to underestimate him. Sure, he was only five six with a body that was unlikely to get him a spot on WWE wrestling, but he had done enough jujitsu as a teenager to look after himself.

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“The Real Win: A Man’s Quest for Authentic Success”, Colt McCoy, Matt Carter


Photo courtesy of Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers

I think most men are borne with a desire to be significant, to be seen to have made an impact wherever we are stationed. As Christian men, this desire is no different and we often find ourselves chasing the world’s roadmaps for achieving impact.

Matt, a Pastor and Colt, an NFL quarterback, are leading successful lives in the world’s eyes. The two men take us through their struggles with the world’s guidelines for success to demonstrate an alternative based on Biblical practices. They specifically focus on four key areas: work, family, a man’s character and his future or legacy.

The book is especially practical not just because it comes with a study guide but also uses examples from both of their lives to demonstrate how they’ve managed to depend on Jesus rather than the world’s principles. They don’t shy away from revealing their own struggles, failures and weaknesses.

There are many good chapters in this book. I especially appreciated the two that cover a man’s character especially in discussing integrity and weaknesses. “Therefore, let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb 4:16b NASB)

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Introducing Melissa Tagg with a chance to win her debut novel: Made to Last

mtagg-pic1I first met Melissa Tagg at ACFW Conference in Dallas last year. Well in fact I was sitting amongst 700 odd others as Melissa shared a devotional. She was instantly engaging in her passion for Jesus, her sense of humour and willingness not to take herself too seriously.

(As an aside I understand Melissa’s devotional has now gone down in ACFW folklore due to her enthusiastic mention of a certain well known Christian quarterback with the initials TT.)

I had the good fortune to bump into Melissa later that day. I congratulated her and introduced myself most likely with a “G’day”. On returning home I soon started following Melissa’s blog. Melissa posts regularly during the week and has established a large following. Melissa’s blogs read like she spoke that morning in Dallas: full of passion and good humour.

Melissa is now a published author. Her first novel, a romantic comedy, Made to Last, was released at this year’s ACFW Conference in Indianapolis. Now only a few weeks later, the book has 72 reviews on Amazon (wow!) and averages 4.6 out of 5. (Wow and more wow!) So the novel and, I daresay Melissa, have captured the hearts of an immediate audience.

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“Deeper Places,” Matthew Jacoby

dp.inddThe Psalms reflect the authors relationship with God. Accordingly, they are a tremendous example in demonstrating how we can communicate with Him.

Matthew Jacoby has a deep understanding of the Psalms as he has spent a great deal of the past 15 years immersed in them. He is a founding member of the Psalms-worship band Sons of Korah and accordingly has been singing them for many years.

This is one of those books that you need to take time over and mediate on both Scripture and Jacoby’s words of explanation. The book is structured around explaining the various types of psalm (eg, lamentation, praise, etc) and outlining how we can use the words to better aid our own communication with the Lord.

As one of the endorsers states: “Deeper Places is about knowing God, not knowing about God.” I want to know God more intimately and this wonderful book has opened my eyes to better understand how I can do that.

If your desire is to know God, then I’d encourage you to get your hands on this marvellous book.

Enjoying God


Photo courtesy of -Marcus-/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I’ve been in a bit of a funk recently. Illness combined with a series of disappointments has served to create a flatness and lack of motivation.

This funk also stretched into my times with the Lord. I’d been grabbing snippets of time with Him and reading the Word had become a little monotonous.

The Psalms

“Read the Psalms” was a response I heard to a question I asked a few weeks ago. So that’s what I did.

I also found a book on my shelf titled, “Deeper Places: Experiencing God in the Psalms” penned by an Aussie pastor, Matthew Jacoby, who also happens to play in a worship band called “Sons of Korah” who I’d known of for years but hadn’t listened to much of their music. Their music is entirely focused on sharing the message of the Psalms.

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“The Counselor: A Screenplay”, Cormac McCarthy


Photo courtesy of Pan Macmillan

It’s been a few years since I read a screenplay. It’s obvious from the first page this was written for the screen.

The Counselor is classic McCarthy with his magnificent spartan use of language and ability to take his reader into the heart of every scene.

While I enjoyed reading McCarthy’s narrative and frugal but a times brutal dialogue, the story didn’t grab me. I think I’ll enjoy the story more when I see the visual representation of it on the screen. The story moves at great pace skipping from one scene to another then to another very quickly which I believe will be better portrayed on screen. There’s a wonderful cast assembled for the movie making it even more appealing. How the director captures the fear and tension that pervades the screenplay will be particularly interesting.

As with many McCarthy works there are some severe violent episodes that I actually found a little distracting but I expect is necessary to demonstrate the destructive essence of the drug trade.

This is one that is perhaps better to watch than to read.

My interview with Jack Haines

A few months ago I shared a cup of spearmint tea with Jack Haines, the hero of Angelguard. My interview covered a range of topics including handling grief and loss of loved ones, how his faith has helped him through the struggle, confronting evil, to more mundane matters such as our shared love of all things football (soccer for our American friends).

In February this year Elaine Stock was kind enough to have me over on her very impressive blog: Everyone’s Story. Elaine has a real heart for sharing author’s stories behind the stories especially new authors. She was kind enough to have me over once again where I share a small extract of my interview with Jack.

I hope you enjoy getting to know Jack a little more. There’s also an opportunity to win Angelguard if you leave a comment under the interview on Elaine’s blog.

Wishing you all a fabulous weekend.

What’s in a name – Part 3


Photo courtesy of Victor Habbick/Freedigitalphotos.net

This final part is long overdue. I do apologise. Unfortunately, I have been unwell and have been lying low for the past week.

If you are new to this short series on how I derived the names of the lead characters in Angelguard, may I suggest you read the first two parts. The first one features the human characters and the second, the angelic ones. In this post I will share a little about the lead demonic characters.

Military Titles

As I adopted an organised hierarchical structure for the supernatural beings I initially used military titles for some of the lead characters. However, over the lifespan of the manuscript’s development and the attention of Jan, my astute editor, some of those titles went away along with a number of characters being benched for this first act in the series.

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“Soul’s Gate”, Jim Rubart


Photo courtesy of Thomas Nelson

Jim Rubart’s novels simply get better and better. This is top notch and I’d encourage every Christian to read it.

From the first page Jim’s writing took me on a spiritual journey that had me pressing into the Lord as I explored the ideas in the novel in my own prayer life. Jesus brings freedom, it’s a fundamental aspect of the gospel and Soul’s Gate explores this truth by introducing four characters who are still struggling with their own particular issues. They are called to firstly tackle their own captivity before being able to help others to do the same which I take will be the main thrust behind the second in the series, Memory’s Door.

However, the enemy doesn’t just sit back and allow us as individuals to surrender our brokenness to the Lord. Rubart demonstrates this by using the allegory of people entering another’s soul to help that person to both recognise their struggles and then helping free them. However, frequently the enemy will turn up in an attempt to thwart the crusaders efforts. In essence, I see this as how the Holy SPirit works in our lives. He enables us to identify the roadblocks to our freedom and provides us with the ammunition to blast them away. And once again, Satan and his cronies fight hard to stop the roadblocks from budging.

We can all help others in their individual battles by way of prayer which again is a big theme that runs through Soul’s Gate. Prayer is powerful and it does work to prevent the enemy in its efforts.

I enjoyed each of the four characters, all very different and believable. I look forward to their development in the next edition. The scenery both physically and supernaturally is fantastic making the novel a great joy to read. Rubart does a magnificent job visually taking the reader into each of the scenes.

I’ll be recommending this to everyone. It’s a must read and the best novel I’ve read in 2013.

Congratulations Jim on a novel that I hope will stand the test of time not unlike some of those of a certain hero of yours, Mr CS Lewis.